jeudi 17 janvier 2008


We`re in Spain - more coming soon!

mardi 8 janvier 2008

Another game of Papa's

Papa and I have been playing together again today. This time he tied my buzzy bee to my pants.

Stuffed some soft toys down my top.

And in my pockets.

But we had lots of fun...

lundi 7 janvier 2008

Some more pictures of my new year's celebrations

Yesterday I received a cd with photos of what I did for my new year's celebrations when Mummy and Papa weren't there. I played with a pink monkey...

put my face in a chocolate cake when nobody was looking...

compared sizes with the world's largest white cat...

practised disparaging looks for when I'm a teenager...

and of course ate with the family. Thank you for looking after me!!

samedi 5 janvier 2008


Today Mammy and Pappy came downstairs to visit us and we played with my Play-doh.

jeudi 3 janvier 2008

My new year's eve

While Papa and Mummy were out celebrating the new year, I was hanging out with these guys (missing Emily here, and yes that's Caroline from the blog's last posting):

and possibly the world's fattest white cat.

I got lots of cuddles...

and we did lots of fun things like drawing (though I prefer taking off and putting on the lid of the pen).

And I even learnt how to use one of these things...

...which Mummy and Papa are very happy about.