lundi 12 novembre 2007

From Paris to Agen

Jono and Hebbat helped us pack up, clean and move from Paris to Agen in the south-west of France. Jono and Papa drove the truck with all our stuff and Hebbat, Mummy and I took the train. Here's Jono with the truck.

Once we all arrived I stayed home and played with Mammy (grandma) and Papa, Mummy, Jono and Hebbat took a walk down the road and into the woods. Jono found a yellow van, Mummy found a tractor and Heb struggled with Sally the dog.

Mummy says it's impossible to get a good photo of Papa.

Later we went to eat in a restaurant. The waiters were a bit busy and Jono was so hungry he ate the rest of my lunch. Quel boute en train! I love the look on Hebbat's face here. She had the good idea of putting some salt on it but Jono was so hungry I'm not sure he noticed.

After all the hard work moving I'm exhausted.

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